Tuesday, March 6, 2012

First Blooms

Here is a couple of shots from yesterday.

Hopefully in the next couple of weeks there will be more blooms since the weather is starting to warm up. I also will be posting in a couple of days about a contest that i am going to be participating in. So be sure to check back for more fun stuff to come.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Spring Is On Its Way!

I know it has been a while since my last post. Between being sick for almost two weeks straight and bad weather contributed to my lack of posting on my blog, but the weather is finally warming up a bit. Today I am gonna be taking some pics of some blooms that are already out and i will be posting them later today. In conclusion sorry for the lack of posting lately, but I will be keeping my blog up to date from now on. Check back for more nature shots to come.